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WPI Report
May 2, 2016

Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report — May 2016

The May edition of the Insider Report discusses recent agency rulemaking, legislative maneuvers to block new and pending rules, and state efforts to enact labor and employment laws that have stalled at the federal level.

Littler Report
April 12, 2016

Labor & Employment Issues Facing the Healthcare Industry

As the healthcare landscape shifts, so do the risks and challenges healthcare industry employers face.

April 12, 2016

NLRA Protections for Derogatory Statements and Four-Letter Words Attacking a Company and its Managers

More and more employers, union and non-union alike, are getting ensnared in efforts by the National Labor Relations Board to aggressively expand employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act, to the detriment of employers.

WPI Report
April 5, 2016

Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report — April 2016

This month's edition of WPI's Insider Report includes articles on the Administration's push to finalize rules before the November elections, legislative and litigation steps to thwart those efforts, and state bills and ordinances that have advanced.

March 24, 2016

Department of Labor Issues Long-Awaited "Persuader Activity" Final Rule

A new rule will require employers to file public reports when they use consultants (including lawyers) to provide labor relations advice and services that have the purpose of persuading employees regarding union organizing or collective bargaining.

March 14, 2016

NLRB Operations Memo Instructs Regional Offices to Seek Settlements to Address Budget Deficit

On March 9, 2016, the Office of the General Counsel issued an operations memorandum (OM-16-09) to the NLRB’s regional offices directing them to implement cost-saving measures to address a significant budget deficit facing the agency.

WPI Report
March 3, 2016

Workplace Policy Institute Insider Report — March 2016

Littler's Workplace Policy Institute® (WPI™) presents the Insider Report, a monthly newsletter detailing key labor, employment, and benefits policy developments at the federal, state, local and global levels.

February 22, 2016

NLRB Continues Attack on Class and Collective Action Waivers

There seems to be no end in sight to the standoff between the NLRB and at least a majority of the federal courts over the legality of arbitration agreements that require employees to waive the right to lead or participate in class or collective actions.

February 18, 2016

NLRB Says "Road Supervisors" Entitled to Organize

The NLRB continues to scrutinize closely cases presenting issues of supervisory status.

February 18, 2016

Workplace Recording Bans and the NLRA: Are "No-Recording" Policies Still Allowed?

The NLRB recently held that an employer's no-recording policy unlawfully interfered with the rights of employees to engage in concerted activity regarding their terms and conditions of employment.
