Your search returned 666 results.

July 11, 2024

British Columbia, Canada Court of Appeal Affirms Enforceability of Termination Clause That Incorporated by Reference Notice and Severance Provisions of Canada Labour Code

The British Columbia Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court’s decision that a termination clause in an employment agreement was enforceable because it was neither ambiguous nor non-compliant with the Canada Labour Code.

July 8, 2024

California Court of Appeal Thwarts Efforts to Conceal Important Driving History Information from Employers

Employers with operations in California are all too familiar with how state and local officials continue to restrict the access employers have to public records, including criminal history information.

June 27, 2024

UK Election News: Labour – All “Change” for Employment Law

The UK general election on July 4 is inching nearer and the parties have launched their manifestos, setting out their plans for the next government.

June 26, 2024

USCIS Extends Work Permits Under TPS Designations for Certain Countries

On June 20, 2024, USCIS extended the validity of certain work permits issued to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries under the TPS designations for El Salvador, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Sudan.

June 4, 2024

French Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal Caused by Office Romance

France is proud to call itself the land of human rights, and Paris the city of love. This pride is not unfounded given how strictly an employer’s actions are regulated when it comes to office romance.

May 30, 2024

School’s Out for the Summer: Ensuring Compliance When Employing Minors in Pennsylvania

As summer quickly approaches and businesses in Pennsylvania continue to seek applicants to fill vacancies in their workforce, employers are becoming more reliant on employees under the age of majority, or minors.

May 22, 2024

Three Things to Consider when Dismissing Employees in Asia

A discussion on the critical considerations when evaluating whether and how to terminate employees in Asia.

May 16, 2024

Colorado’s Landmark AI Legislation Would Create Significant Compliance Burden for Employers Using AI Tools

Colorado Senate Bill 24-205, landmark legislation that expressly creates statutory tort liability for AI algorithmic discrimination in the employment context, has passed both houses of the Colorado General Assembly, and is expected to be signed into law.

May 2, 2024

Firing and Rehiring in the UK: A New Code

New statutory guidance has been published about controversial “fire and rehire” practices, where an employer dismisses a worker to then rehire them on different terms.

April 29, 2024

Not Selected in H-1B Cap Registration? There Are Options!

This article provides an overview of the common visa classifications available as alternatives to H-1B visa to retain and or hire talented foreign workers.
