Your search returned 964 results.

July 10, 2024

11th Circuit Finds Race and Gender-Based Grant Program Likely Unlawful

The 11th Circuit recently granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting a venture capital fund from awarding grants based on race and gender.

July 10, 2024

Littler Lightbulb: June Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal in the last month.

July 2, 2024

Forthcoming Additions and Modifications to Employment Laws in Colorado

The 2024 Colorado legislative session has concluded and resulted in several new laws affecting Colorado employers. This Insight provides an overview of some significant changes.

June 28, 2024

New Duty to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the UK – How Can Employers Comply?

A new law will require all employers in the UK to proactively take “reasonable steps” to prevent sexual harassment of their employees in the course of their employment. How can employers comply with this duty?

June 26, 2024

Louisiana Becomes Latest State to Prohibit Nondisclosure Clauses Related to #MeToo Claims

Under a new Louisiana law enacted on June 25, 2024, nondisclosure clauses required by an employer and agreed to prior to a hostile work environment dispute or sexual harassment dispute will be unenforceable.

June 20, 2024

July is Still the New January! Littler’s Workplace Policy Institute’s Mid-Year Legislative Report

As federal regulators, states and cities continue to pass new workplace regulations through the calendar year, we summarize each state’s notable labor and employment law updates.

June 17, 2024

European Elections Shakedown: Impact of the Dissolution of the French National Assembly on Employment Law

How will French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly impact the many upcoming employment law reforms in France?

June 7, 2024

More Changes to Minnesota’s Employment Laws are Imminent

In recent years, Minnesota has enacted sweeping legislation impacting Minnesota employers at a break-neck pace. As the most recent legislative session came to a close, another set of new and supplemental laws was passed and quickly signed by Gov. Walz.

June 7, 2024

Virginia’s 2024 Legislative Session Sees Few Employment Bills Passed and Record Vetoes

The 2024 session of the Virginia General Assembly has come to a close, and as with its 2023 session, which saw relatively little action with regard to employment legislation, there were relatively few employment-related bills enacted in 2024.

June 7, 2024

Littler Lightbulb: May Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments in the federal courts of appeal in the last month.
