On March 9, 2016, the Office of the General Counsel issued an operations memorandum (OM-16-09) to the NLRB’s regional offices directing them to implement cost-saving measures to address a significant budget deficit facing the agency.
In concluding that the proper standard for certifying FLSA collective actions is whether the plaintiffs are "similarly situated," the 6th Circuit ruled that the application of the stricter Rule 23 class action standard was inappropriate.
The DHS recently announced its launch of the Known Employer Program, under which certain employers are eligible to use an online platform to submit information that can be used for multiple employees' visa applications.
The Ninth Circuit recently upheld the DOL's 2011 revisions to FLSA regulations applying tip-pooling restrictions to employers that do not use a tip credit to satisfy minimum wage obligations.
On April 1, 2016, new California regulations take effect requiring employers to develop written anti-discrimination and harassment policies that meet numerous new and detailed requirements.
Littler's Workplace Policy Institute® (WPI™) presents the Insider Report, a monthly newsletter detailing key labor, employment, and benefits policy developments at the federal, state, local and global levels.