The Massachusetts Attorney General has issued a Notice of Employee Rights under the new earned sick leave law, and clarified the scope of the "safe harbor" exemption.
In May 2015, the Abbott Government announced that, as part of its objectives for the Australian federal budget, it will reform the tax residency rules by creating tougher rules and higher income tax bills.
Panelists and lawmakers at a House Subcommittee hearing expressed concern about the pending regulatory changes to the FLSA, and criticized DOL enforcement tactics.
The NLRB recently issued two decisions finding that a unilateral change in employee benefits provided under a collective bargaining agreement was consistent with the agreement and therefore lawful.
In response to a recent Nevada Supreme Court decision, the Nevada legislature passed a bill, effective June 2, 2015 that specifically defines independent contractors.
Under current NLRB rules, a union can organize a bargaining unit of temporary employees, and the user employer’s solely employed regular employees, only if both employers consent. The Board is primed to change this rule.
Massachusetts High Court ruled the Commonwealth’s independent contractor law does not apply to real estate salespersons working for a licensed brokerage firm.
A California appellate court recently found that the defendant was entitled to attorney’s fees even after the plaintiff volunatirly dismissed the action.