In the News
June 15, 2022

Low IP extortion via strike summons

Jorge Sales Boyoli talks about reasons a union can call a company to strike. (Subscription required.)

In the News
June 13, 2022

Global Survey Highlights Ways to Strengthen Workplace Culture

Don Dowling gives reasons why job turnover is high and explains why employers may struggle with recruitment and retention. (Subscription required.)

June 10, 2022

How HR can mitigate the risks and reap the rewards of AI at work

Sanika Karandikar and Raoul Parekh offer guidance on how to avoid pitfalls related to using artificial intelligence in the employment experience, including to hire and monitor employees.

In the News
June 10, 2022

Biden’s Labor Agenda Chugs Along as Senate Falters on Nominees

Michael Lotito comments on the partisan nature of agency nomination processes. (Subscription required.)

In the News
June 9, 2022

Experts disagree on the consequences of raising severance payments

Iván López García de la Riva discusses Spain’s plan to raise severance payments in certain situations.
