July 31, 2009

UAE: Fingerprints Now Required for Residency Visa

In an effort to prevent fraud and identity theft, next month the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal

July 31, 2009

Bill Introduced in House and Senate Would Expand FMLA Leave for Military Family Members

Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) have introduced a bill in both chambers of Congress

July 31, 2009

Australia: Government Looks to Indian Professionals to Fill Employment Gaps

As reported by The Economic Times, due to an aging workforce and gaps in its IT, engineering, and medical

July 31, 2009

House Passes Executive Compensation Bill

The House of Representatives has voted 237 to 185 to approve the Corporate and Financial Institution

July 30, 2009

"Say-on-Pay" Bill Advances in House

A bill that would provide shareholders of public companies with an advisory vote on executive compensation

July 30, 2009

India: Travelers with "Swine Flu" or Symptoms May Be Denied Visa

Due to the rise in H1N1 virus (“swine flu”) carried by foreign visitors, travelers to India must

July 30, 2009

House Committee Approves Bill That Would Require Airlines to Impose Stricter Safety and Training Standards

On Thursday, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure approved by voice vote a bi-partisan

July 30, 2009

True North: Cross-Border Views on North American Workplace Laws

By now, most employers in the United States are familiar with the Employee Free Choice Act ("EFCA"),

July 30, 2009

Obama Names David Michaels as His Pick to Head OSHA

On Tuesday President Obama announced his intent to nominate David Michaels as the assistant secretary
