In the News
February 1, 2006

Maria Baechli Warns Employers to Protect Payroll Data

"Employers Beef Up Cyber Security to Better Protect Payroll Data," American Payroll.orgIn this article

In the News
February 1, 2006

Brian Dixon Points Out the Vagueness of California Law When It Comes to Designating What Constitutes as an "Employee Uniform"

"Uniform Policies Land Retailers in Court," InsideCounselThis article covers what it is really costing

February 1, 2006

Avian Flu Challenges; Act Now to Create Communicable Disease Policies

Minnesota Business MagazineIn this Littler attorney-authored article, Dale Deitchler warns employers

In the News
January 31, 2006

Don Benson Warns Employers They Could be Targets Under RICO

"Employers: The New Racketeers?," Human Resource Executive OnlineThis article explains how employees

In the News
January 25, 2006

George Wood Discusses the DOL's Clarifications Regarding the New USERRA Regulations

"DOL clarifies final USERRA regulations," CCH, Inc.In this probing Labor Law Reports Insight from CCH,
