"Why Good Companies Still Get Sued," The Conference Board Review
In a May 2006 report, Littler Mendelson P.C. noted that in the previous twelve months, the number of class action lawsuits it was defending had doubled. In this article, which examines the many reasons behind large class action lawsuits, Littler's Don Benson comments that, "The laws are complex, and plaintiffs' attorneys are creative. Employers figure that if they were complying with all the federal regulations, they're safe." But even companies with virtuous intentions can get tripped up by the sheer complexity of employment law – laws that are constantly in flux, as old rulings get amended and new ones passed – all of which are continually reviewed and reinterpreted by judges. In the long-term, some of these lawsuits can bring about more sensible business practices, as Mr. Benson conceded that class action lawsuits have led to more company introspection and self-policing.