HR Dive quotes a Littler Analysis by Ellen Donovan McCann, Stephanie L. Mills-Gallan and Rocio Blanco Garcia that says when employees “top up” state or local paid family or medical leave with accrued paid leave benefits from their employers, it may be “ad
Alexander MacDonald explains why the incoming National Labor Relations Board may rely less on rulemaking and more on issuing precedential decisions given recent SCOTUS decisions along with federal courts' growing skepticism of agencies. (Subscription requ
Bradford Kelley says it’s important for employers to have a military leave policy and be knowledgeable about USERRA in the event that employees who are National Guard and Reserves get called to duty. (Subscription required)
Garrett counsels a wide range of clients, from Fortune 500 companies to small family-owned businesses to non-profit organizations, on a variety of employee benefits and ERISA matters.
Robert Pritchard talks about a recent SCOTUS decision that reversed and remanded a Fourth Circuit ruling finding that employers need to prove workers' exempt status through "clear and convincing evidence" rather than the default "preponderance of the evid