Press Release
June 6, 2012

Littler Survey Reveals Optimistic Employer Hiring Plans In Delicate Balance With Barriers Facing Workers In Today's Job Market

Romney, Obama both expected to prioritize job creation among other legislative and regulatory issues

June 6, 2012

Federal court finds NLRB’s expedited election rule invalid

Daily Journal of CommerceIn this article, Littler attorneys Howard Rubin and Don Stait discuss the National

In the News
June 5, 2012

Paycheck Fairness Bill Blocked In Senate Again

Law360.comLittler's Ilyse Schuman provides her insight regarding the portion of the Paycheck Fairness

In the News
June 5, 2012

SCOTUS Overtime & Implications

Washington Legal FoundationIn this video interview, Littler’s Tammy McCutchen addresses the significant

In the News
June 1, 2012

People with HIV and AIDS: Living and Working Longer

HR MagazineThis article discusses the topic of employee assistance services for workers with HIV or AIDS
