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September 8, 2020

The State of American Employment in the Midst of the Pandemic

This podcast reviews the most recent employment numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor and previews what to expect in this year’s Labor Day report.

Dear Littler
September 4, 2020

Dear Littler: What Do We Do If We Cannot Bring Our Employees Back From Furlough?

At the start of the pandemic, our company had to furlough a number of our employees. We thought we’d be able to fully resume operations by the summer. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is still widespread in our area. What do we do now?

September 3, 2020

Michigan, Get Out Your Sports Gear, Gym Bag, and Swim Suits: Gyms and Pools are Now Open and Competitive Sports are Back in Session

Due to the plateau of COVID-19 cases in Michigan, on September 3, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-176 to “carefully and deliberately relax some restrictions.”

Global Guide Quarterly
September 3, 2020

Jury Trials – Part 2 – Trial Theme Development During and Post-COVID

This podcast covers how the lens through which jurors are evaluating evidence has changed in this COVID era, and what trial attorneys should consider when developing trial themes, during, and after, COVID.

September 1, 2020

UK: Working from Home

With many employees having worked from home for the few past months, employers are now reassessing the long-term feasibility of remote working.

August 31, 2020

UK: Final Furlough FAQs

As the summer draws to an end, the end of the UK’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (a.k.a. the “furlough scheme”) is also in sight.

August 31, 2020

Treasury Department Issues Guidance on Payroll Tax Deferral

On August 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued guidance for employers with respect to the deferral of the employee portion of certain payroll taxes.

August 28, 2020

Navigating Natural Disasters During a Pandemic – Key Considerations for Your Workforce

In the midst of raging wildfires in Northern California and the aftermath of hurricanes Laura and Marco in the Gulf states, many employers are wondering how to respond and what happens next.

August 28, 2020

Michigan’s New Executive Order Modifies Worker “Stay-At-Home” Requirements

On August 27, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-172, which rescinded Executive Order 2020-166 and provides further guidance and protections to workers who stay home when they or their close contacts are sick.

August 28, 2020

New FFCRA FAQs Address Return-to-School Leave Issues

On August 27, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published three new "Return to School" FAQs concerning the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA).
