Your search returned 795 results.

April 1, 2019

Fighting An Age Old Problem in the UK – Acas Issues Guidance Concerning Discrimination Against Elderly Employees

A leading UK advisory body (Acas) recently published new guidance on age discrimination. This update is timely in light of an age discrimination claim brought by a National Health Service employee that caught the public’s attention.

March 28, 2019

What to Do in the UK if You’re Ghosted… by Your Employees

While "ghosting" might be new(ish) in the dating world, the “ghosting employee” is very much an age-old problem for employers across the globe. How should employers respond when employees vanish into thin air?

February 22, 2019

Brexit Update: Ongoing Uncertainty

The future of the Withdrawal Agreement, and therefore the basis on which the UK will leave the EU, remains uncertain. Meanwhile March 29, 2019, the date of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU by automatic operation of law, looms ever closer.

February 12, 2019

UK: From Alcoholism to Exhibitionism—When the Law Says a Condition is Not a Disability

Although many HR professionals in the United Kingdom who deal with disability discrimination issues are all too familiar with the legal definition of a “disability” in the Equality Act 2010, many are unaware of the various exclusions to that definition.

January 29, 2019

Dutch Court Recognizes Limit on Authority of European Works Councils

A recent decision in Rotterdam addresses the duty of multi-national companies to consult with their European Works Council if planning a reorganization. The EWC need not be consulted before other councils, unless specifically agreed upon by contract.

January 28, 2019

Dutch Court Allows Dismissal of Troublesome Works Councils Member, Despite Termination Restrictions

A persistent misunderstanding is that it is impossible for employers to dismiss works councils members. As recently clarified by the Sub-District Court of North Holland, termination is certainly possible.

Global Guide Quarterly
January 16, 2019

Littler Global Guide - Belgium - Q4 2018

Quarterly employment law updates from Belgium

Global Guide Quarterly
January 16, 2019

Littler Global Guide - European Union - Q4 2018

Quarterly employment law updates from the European Union

Global Guide Quarterly
January 16, 2019

Littler Global Guide - Finland - Q4 2018

Quarterly employment law updates from Finland

Global Guide Quarterly
January 16, 2019

Littler Global Guide - France - Q4 2018

Quarterly employment law updates from France
