Press Release
January 4, 2012

Littler Unveils Eight Challenges for Global Employers: Dangerous Workplaces and Social Media Among Greatest Threats

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (January 4, 2012) - Littler Mendelson, P.C. (Littler), the nation’s largest employment

January 3, 2012

Misclassification Gets More Expensive

The RecorderLittler’s Alison Hightower and GJ MacDonnell explain a new law that lays heavy fines on

In the News
January 2, 2012

A year of more labor strife?

Modern HealthcareThis article notes the increasing strikes among nurses across the country. Littler’s

In the News
January 2, 2012

Striking out: Nurses unions go up against hospitals as year ends

Modern HealthcareThis article examines the nurse workforce and related trends. Littler’s Anthony Rizzotti

In the News
January 1, 2012

8 ways SOX changed corporate governance

InsideCounselThis article focuses on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and its influence on corporate governance.
