In the News
November 8, 2005

Workplace harassment: Avoid a 'North Country' situation

Central Valley Business TimesKate Wilson discusses the recent movie, North Country, and its message on

Press Release
October 31, 2005

Littler's Lena Sims elected as Co-Chair of the San Diego County Bar Association Labor & Employment Law Section

San Diego, California/ October 31 -- Littler Mendelson is pleased to announce that the San Diego County

Press Release
October 28, 2005

Littler's Tony Skogen Named Chair of the California Bar Association's Labor and Employment Law Section

Los Angeles, California/ October 28 -- Littler Mendelson is pleased to announce that the California Bar

In the News
October 24, 2005

The Retail Employer

Chain Store AgeFrom stealth class actions to 401k plan compliance and the imperatives of workplace diversity,

In the News
October 24, 2005

J. Mark Ogden Cautions Firms of the Impact of Domestic Violence in the Workplace

"Domestic violence hits firms' finances," The Business JournalFirms must be wary of the lasting effects
