Press Release
March 29, 2012

Littler Adds Former Senior In-House Counsel Bradley A. Siciliano to its Growing Corporate Ethics and Compliance Practice

NEW YORK, NY (March 29, 2012) - Littler Mendelson, P.C. (Littler), the nation’s largest employment

March 27, 2012

Understanding Christopher v. SmithKline

Law360.comThis article by Littler shareholders Richard Black and Bradley Strawn discusses the case of

March 27, 2012

5 steps to protect against whistleblowers

InsideCounselThis article outlines steps companies can take to strengthen their internal policies and

In the News
March 20, 2012

Ethics Group Warns of ‘Steep Declines’ in Workforce Trust

Workforce ManagementThis article analyzes the Ethics Resource Center’s survey of workplace ethics and

In the News
March 17, 2012

I'll see you in court: For some hospital CEOs, the end of their employment is anything but amicable

Modern HealthcareThis article summarizes several litigation cases surrounding the termination of employment
