Your search returned 548 results.

In the News
June 22, 2017

The Age of Ambiguity

Michael Lotito comments on the uncertainty employers are facing with a new administration and the…

June 1, 2017

Legislative Action and Inaction May Both Be Beneficial for Kentucky Employers

LaToi Mayo, Leila O'Carra and Jay Inman consider employment-related issues in the Kentucky…

In the News
May 24, 2017

Heightened Scrutiny for Medical Marijuana at Work

Ben Huggett and Greg Greubel co-authored this article discussing the issues both employers and…

In the News
May 23, 2017

Benefits Eligibility Might Be Modified if ACA Repealed

Steven Friedman discusses employer’s healthcare coverage requirements under the ACA and the…

In the News
May 23, 2017

Benefits Eligibility Might Be Modified if ACA Repealed

Michael Lotito forecasts that if the Trump administration overturns employment rules, new…
