Press Release
December 11, 2020

Littler Recognized as Top Digital Law Firm in Financial Times 2020 North America Innovative Lawyers Report

Littler was recognized for its digital capabilities and innovative response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the News
December 11, 2020

Littler Ask the Experts: Legal Considerations for Employees Working Remotely

William Vail provides insight on work-from-home policies and expenses.

In the News
December 11, 2020

Accent discrimination betrays a small mind

Donald Dowling provides insight on accent discrimination stemming from France’s recent ban on the matter.

In the News
December 10, 2020

Does territorial disease interrupt unpaid leave? Opinions are divided because ... there is a gap in the law

Łukasz Chruściel provides insight on compensation and benefits among the Polish military.

December 9, 2020

Promises of early retirement: Supreme Court rules on employers' right to manage

Ole Kristian Olsby and Nina Thjømøe provide insight on Norway’s Supreme Court ruling on whether employees are entitled to an early retirement pension based on the previous employer's promise.
