
Mark Callaghan advises on the full range of employment law matters, with a particular focus on clients who have international operations and/or face multi-jurisdictional employment law challenges. He particularly enjoys finding solutions to knotty employee relations issues regarding performance, redundancies, disciplinaries and grievances, and post-termination restrictions. His advice is pragmatic and empathetic.

Clients in the Legal 500 say Mark provides "comprehensive advice and solutions, no matter how big or small the concern is" and is trusted by clients for his "sound knowledge and judgement".

Mark spent 18 months as the sole in-house employment lawyer at a tech-driven information services company, covering labour issues across ten jurisdictions with around 1,800 employees. He trained at international law firm CMS.

Affiliazioni professionali e istituzionali


Employment Lawyers Association

Foro di appartenenza

United Kingdom (England and Wales)