In the News
April 17, 2012

More American workers sue employers for overtime pay

USA TodayThis syndicated article discusses the increase in American workers suing employers for overtime

In the News
April 17, 2012

SCOTUS labours over pharma sales rep pay, backdoor rulemaking

Scrip Pharmaceutical NewsThe article discusses the arguments made by lawyers before the U.S. Supreme

In the News
April 17, 2012

High Court Considers Drug Sales Reps' OT Status

Law360.comIn an article on the U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments in Christopher v. SmithKline, Littler’s

In the News
April 17, 2012

Sales Reps, Overtime & The Labor Dept: Tammy Explains

PharmalotThis article features Littler’s Tammy McCutchen in a Q&A about the significance of a case

April 16, 2012

How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Voir Dire

Texas LawyerThis article, co-authored by Littler shareholder Harry Jones, advises attorneys on how to
