April 26, 2012

Stop California’s Legal System from Going Back in Time

Daily JournalIn this article, Littler attorney Helene Wasserman discusses the state of California’s

Press Release
April 26, 2012

John Kloosterman Appointed to the International Labour Organization’s Committee on Application of Standards

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (APRIL 26, 2012) - John Kloosterman, a shareholder at Littler Mendelson, P.C. (Littler),

In the News
April 26, 2012

EEOC Guidance Emphasizes Possible Bias in Blanket Bans of Job Applicants with Criminal Pasts

ABA JournalThis article summarizes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s new guidance on criminal

April 25, 2012

Turning the Tables on Workplace Cyber Misconduct

Presented at the National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law, Section of Labor & Employment

April 25, 2012

Sales Reps v. Pharma: The Overtime Issue

Pharmaceutical ExecutiveIn this article, Littler attorneys discuss the potentially far-reaching implications
