December 6, 2005

Racing to the court house over non-competes

Tennessee Bar JournalOn November 15, 2005, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Manuel vs. Convergys

In the News
December 5, 2005

Lisa Schreter Breaks Down the Further Implications from 'Donning and Doffing' Case

"Fallout from FLSA ‘donning and doffing’ case may extend far," Society for Human Resource Management

In the News
December 3, 2005

Mark Jodon Examines the SEIU's Negotiation Efforts for the Houston Janitors

"What can union get for new members? Guessing game begins on raises, health insurance," Houston ChroniclePromises

In the News
December 2, 2005

Mark Jodon Clarifies the Concerns Business Owners and Managers Have as Houston Janitors Unionize

"Janitor's union clutters picture for building owners," Houston Business JournalPotential increase

In the News
December 2, 2005

Law that gave public more insight stops employers' discrimination

The Merced Sun-StarUnderstanding the use of Megan's law when hiring and firing employees can help
