Press Release
March 20, 2009

Littler Strengthens Employment Law Practice with Addition of David J. Goldstein and Holly M. Robbins to the Firm's Minneapolis Office

Minneapolis, MN/ March 20, 2009 -- Littler Mendelson (Littler), the nation's largest employment and

In the News
March 13, 2009

Philip Gordon Guides Employers in Preventing Mishaps of Online Networking

"Businesses Befriending Facebook," The Kiplinger LetterIn this article discussing the rapid increase

March 6, 2009

Pros and Cons of Furloughs, Shutdowns

Law360.comIn this attorney-authored article, Eric Bellafronto and Christopher Cobey of Littler's

March 2, 2009

Preparing the Indiana Workplace for a Pandemic

Res Gestae, March - April 2009In this attorney-authored article, Donald Benson of Littler's Atlanta
