In the News
December 13, 2012

Littler’s Gregory Keating Appointed by Secretary of Labor to Federal Whistleblower Committee

Citybizlist BostonLittler attorney Gregory Keating's appointment to the U.S. Department of Labor’s

Press Release
December 12, 2012

Littler’s Gregory Keating Appointed By Secretary of Labor to Federal Whistleblower Committee

Keating to Serve as Management Representative on the Whistleblower Protection Advisory CommitteeWASHINGTON,

In the News
December 12, 2012

Mich. Right-To-Work Laws Put Pressure On Ohio

Law360.comIn this article, Littler’s Michael Lotito discusses the importance of Michigan becoming the

December 11, 2012

Why did Twinkies' shelf-life suddenly expire (or did it)?

Daily Journal.In this attorney-authored article, Littler's Robert Millman and Mhairi Whitton examine

In the News
December 11, 2012

PhoneDog Settlement Provides Ex-Employee With Disputed Twitter Account and Followers

Bloomberg BNA Daily Labor ReportThis article discusses the settlement in the case of PhoneDog v. Kravitz
