In the News
October 30, 2013

HR and the Supreme Court

Human Resource Executive OnlineThis article discusses a few cases on the U.S. Supreme Court's 2013-14

In the News
October 30, 2013

Are you ready for a wage-and-hour audit? One may be on the horizon

HR MorningLee Schreter is quoted in this article about Littler's recent national survey that found

In the News
October 29, 2013

Littler Survey Finds Misclassification Litigation Remains a Key Area of Concern for Employers

Citybizlist AtlantaThis article discusses Littler's recent poll that measured how employers are being

Press Release
October 29, 2013

Littler Survey Finds Misclassification Litigation Remains A Key Area Of Concern For Employers

Employers express concerns over costs and disruption of exemption litigation; majority have faced employees

In the News
October 29, 2013

Worker Misclassification Suits, DOL Audits A Worry For Cos.

Law360.comLee Schreter is quoted in this article discussing Littler’s Xmpt Survey, which measured how
