Niloy Ray
Pronounced: nee-Loy

Niloy Ray litigates critical eDiscovery and electronic evidence issues nationwide, in class/collective actions, trade-secret matters, and all other forms of employment litigation. He counsels clients on proportionately and cost-effectively complying with preservation obligations and data-harvesting needs, develops case strategies aimed at minimizing eDiscovery sideshows, designs complex ESI review/production methodologies using cutting-edge tools such as threading, clustering, multivariate search criteria and AI, and addresses trial issues including the admissibility and authentication of electronic evidence. An active litigator, he regularly handles hearings, depositions and motion practice on matters relating to eDiscovery, and also helps clients set upwith enterprise-wide eDiscovery and information-governance best practices and policies.
Niloy provides cross-functional advice to business, product, and HR client teams on the burgeoning use and regulation of artificial intelligence-driven tools and processes. In the AI context, he assists clients in creating and implementing AI development and use policies; in selecting, testing, and deploying AI tools across the employment lifecycle; and in navigating the compliance requirements and litigation risks of new and proposed AI regulations in the U.S. and abroad.
Finally, Niloy regularly advises clients on record-retention requirements and data-minimization objectives within the labor and employment space.
Before joining Littler, Niloy was at another multinational law firm, where his practice focused on commercial litigation in federal and state courts in complex tort, antitrust and contract matters. At that firm, he also regularly represented energy utilities in regulatory proceedings and related litigation, and conducted internal investigations for Fortune 500 and academic clients.
Prior to attending law school, Niloy spent several years coding, designing, and leading the development of supply chain software applications for Retek Inc., now part of Oracle.
Speaking Engagements
Into the Breach: Law Firms and the Risk of Cybersecurity and Data Breaches
Steering Committee
Live Event
Legal and Ethical Considerations of AI in Construction
Live Event
The Role of AI in the Hiring Process
Ethical Lawyering in the Age of AI
AI & U: The Gameshow Where Digital Dilemmas and Practical Advice Intersect
Coding for Lawyers
Navigating Rule 26(a)(1)
AI in Employment Law
Tech Ethics in the Emerging eWorkplace
Special Masters in eDiscovery
Policy Framework for AI-enabled Communications
AI Issues in the Workplace
AI Issues in the Workplace
Generative AI is Here: What is your organization doing with it?
What’s in a Wor(l)d? The Meaning of ‘Asian’
The Future of Legal Diversity Initiatives under Color-blind Constitutionalism
A Pragmatic Playbook for In-house Counsel on AI Adoption in HR
Live Event
AI For Future-Ready Human Resources And Internal Communications: Advancing Workplace Intelligence
Ethical E-Discovery on Non-traditional Data Sources and Emerging Technology
Live Event
Live Event
Ethically Competent Discovery of Zoom Meeting Recordings, Teams Chats, Slack, and Other Newer Data Sources
Invisibility of Hate Crimes Against the Asian American Community
With a Little Help from My Friends
With a Little Help from My Friends – A Pragmatic Playbook for AI Adoption in HR
Our Robot (HR) Overlords – Better than Mankind or Just as Biased?
Live Event
AI Pop-up Talk
Live Event
AI – Staying Ahead of the Curve
Live Event
Why AI Matters
Where Do We Go From Here?
Live Event
Everything You Wanted to Know About e-Discovery (But Were Afraid to Ask)
Discovery in Complex Cases
AI in HR – Staying Ahead of the Curve
Best Practices for Rule 30(b)(6) Depositions
Optimizing the Litigation Practice Through Innovation and Technology
eDiscovery Case Law Review
Computer Knows Best? Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Improve Post-Pandemic Workforce Equity and Diversity
The Future of Work: Post-Pandemic and Beyond
Artificial Intelligence and Onboarding: Tools That Make Staffing Easier, or Legal Minefield?
Moderator: Social, Technological, and Ethical Challenges of Electronic Evidence in Criminal Cases
COVID-19 Employment Litigation & eDiscovery Challenges
Data Security Best Practices Throughout the eDiscovery Process
ESI Protocols – What Are They Good For?
New Regulations & New Approaches: Latest Developments at the DOL
eDiscovery Lessons from the Mueller Report
Privacy, Security & Information Governance: Navigating the eWorkplace
Emerging Technologies Reshaping the Law: Employment
“But I’ve Always Done It This Way”: Tips for More Effective Document Requests and Responses
Co-chair, Today’s General Counsel Institute
Digital Dangers: You Can't Handle the Truth!
Diversity Awareness and its Unique Benefits to eDiscovery
Do You Know Where Your Documents Are? Or Who’s Touching Your Documents Today?
More than Meets the Eye: Spotting (and Exposing) Fabricated Evidence
Faculty Member, Sandpiper Partners
Workplace Investigations: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Facing New Challenges, Refining Your Techniques and Managing Evidence
Optimizing the Attorney-Client Relationship: In-house counsel discuss practical approaches and ethical considerations in handling eDiscovery
Co-Chair, The Exchange eDiscovery Forum
Co-Chair, The Exchange eDiscovery Forum
Data is Your Frenemy: Best Practices for Avoiding Data Pitfalls in Employment Litigation
Data is Your Frenemy: Best Practices for Avoiding Data Pitfalls in Employment Litigation
Co-Chair, The Exchange eDiscovery Forum
Application of the Amended Federal Discovery Rules – A Two-Part Discussion on Proportionality and Sanctions: Sessions 1 & 2
IoT and Liability
Search Tips and Tricks
Robotics, AI and the Internet of Things
Discover Requests in Employment Litigation After Amended Rules 26(b) and 34(b)
Big Data from Employees; Big Risk for Employers
Searching Basics for Attorneys
loT – Tomorrow's ESI
Privacy & Litigation in the IoT World
Lead Moderator, The Exchange eDiscovery Forum
FRCP: Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Mock Hearing: Production Under the New Federal Rules
What’s More Normal Than a Mobile Device?
Live Event
Discovery Requests in Employment Litigation After Amended Rules 26(b) and 34(b): Propounding or Answering Requests
Electronic Discovery Under the Amended Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
A Dialog on Diversity and the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession
The Internet of Things: Tomorrow’s ESI
Shift Left – A New Age of eDiscovery – Analytics and ECA
Strategic Use of Objections and Responses Under New Rule 34
Preservation in the Wake of New FRCP Amendments
The Internet of Things
Who Says TAR is Only for Litigation Giants
The Nitty-gritty of Selecting, Tuning, and Implementing Electronic Search Parameters and Protocols
Welcome to the eMachine: The Evolving Terrain of the Modern “eWorkplace”
Ethical Impacts of Technological (In)Competence