Minimum Wage, Tipped and Exempt Employee Pay in 2019: A Rates-Only Update

By S. Libby Henninger and Sebastian Chilco

  • 19 minute read

UPDATE: Since we originally published this article, the rates for Portland, ME have been updated to address the impact of upcoming state-level rate changes

Minimum wage laws can impact businesses of all sizes, whether operating nationwide, in multiple jurisdictions, or only in one state, county, or city. To help manage this challenge, we are publishing a rates-only update detailing state- and local-level wage increases that are scheduled to occur throughout 2019 so employers can determine the minimum amount they must pay non-exempt, tipped, and certain exempt employees.

Because pending or future legislation could change minimum wage rates that become applicable on January 1 or later in 2019, we recommend employers stay apprised of developments via our monthly article, WPI Wage Watch: Minimum Wage and Overtime Updates, and consult with counsel to confirm rates have not changed since publication.

Minimum Wage Increases

Tipped Rate Increases

New York Tip Rates

White Collar Employee Pay Increases

White Collar Employees Covered by Minimum Wage

7(i)-Type Commissioned Employees

Minimum Wage Increases1

JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 MW2019 MW


January 1, 2019




January 1, 2019



Arizona: Flagstaff

January 1, 2019




January 1, 20193



California (26 or More Employees)

January 1, 2019



California (25 or Fewer Employees)

January 1, 2019



California: Alameda (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019

$12.00 (1/1/19)
(State Rate Applied)


California: Alameda (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019

$11.00 (1/1/19)
(State Rate Applied)


California: Belmont

January 1, 2019



California: Berkeley

July 1, 2019

$15.00 (10/1/18)


California: Cupertino

January 1, 2019



California: El Cerrito

January 1, 2019



California: Emeryville (56 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Emeryville (55 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019


No Longer Applicable –  56 or More Employee Rate Applies

California: Los Altos

January 1, 2019



California: Los Angeles (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Los Angeles (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Los Angeles (Hotels)

July 1, 2019



California: Los Angeles County (Unincorporated) (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Los Angeles County (Unincorporated) (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Malibu (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Malibu (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Milpitas

July 1, 2019



California: Mountain View

January 1, 2019



California: Oakland (Generally)

January 1, 2019



California: Oakland (Hotels – Health Benefits Provided)

July 1, 2019

$13.80 (1/1/19)


California: Oakland (Hotels – No Health Benefits)

July 1, 2019

$13.80 (1/1/19)


California: Palo Alto

January 1, 2019



California: Pasadena (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Pasadena (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Redwood City (26 or More Employees)

January 1, 2019

(State Rate Applied)


California: Redwood City (25 or Fewer Employees)

January 1, 2019

(State Rate Applied)


California: Richmond (Without Benefits)

January 1, 2019



California: Richmond (With Benefits6)

January 1, 2019



California: San Diego

January 1, 2019



California: San Francisco (Generally)

July 1, 2019



California: San Francisco (Government-Supported Employee)

July 1, 2019



California: San Jose7

January 1, 2019



California: San Leandro

July 1, 2019



California: San Mateo (Generally)

January 1, 2019



California: San Mateo (Non-Profit)

January 1, 2019



California: Santa Clara

January 1, 2019



California: Santa Monica (26 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Santa Monica (25 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019



California: Santa Monica (Hotels)

July 1, 2019



California: Sunnyvale

January 1, 2019




January 1, 2019




January 1 &
October 1, 2019



District of Columbia

July 1, 2019




January 1, 2019



Illinois: Chicago

July 1, 2019



Illinois: Cook County

July 1, 2019




January 1, 2019



Maine: Portland

January 1, 20198



Maryland: Montgomery County (51 or more employees)

July 1, 2019



Maryland: Montgomery County (11-50 employees / 11 or more employees & either a 501(c)(3) or certain home health or community based services providers / 10 or fewer employees)

July 1, 2019




January 1, 2019




April 1, 2019 (est.)



Minnesota ($500,000 annual gross sales)

January 1, 2019



Minnesota (Less than $500,000 annual gross sales / Certain hotels, etc.)

January 1, 2019



Minnesota: Minneapolis, (101 or More Employees)

July 1, 2019



Minnesota: Minneapolis (100 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019




January 1, 2019




January 1, 2019



Nevada (No Health Benefits)

July 1, 2019



Nevada (Health Benefits Offered)

July 1, 2019



New Jersey

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Albuquerque (Without Benefits)

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Albuquerque (With Benefits)

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Bernalillo County (Unincorporated) (Without Benefits)

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Bernalillo County (Unincorporated) (With Benefits)

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Las Cruces

January 1, 2019



New Mexico: Santa Fe10

March 1, 2019



New Mexico: Santa Fe County (Unincorporated)

March 1, 2019



New York: New York City (11 or More Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019



New York: New York City (10 or Fewer Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019



New York: Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties

December 31, 2018 & 2019



New York: Remainder of State

December 31, 2018 & 2019



New York: Fast Food Worker (New York City)

December 31, 2018 & 2019



New York: Fast Food Worker (Elsewhere)

December 31, 2018 & 2019




January 1, 2019



Oregon (Urban)

July 1, 2019



Oregon (General)

July 1, 2019



Oregon (Nonurban)

July 1, 2019



Rhode Island

January 1, 2019



South Dakota

January 1, 2019




January 1, 2019




January 1, 2019



Washington: SeaTac (Hospitality & Transportation)

January 1, 2019



Washington: Seattle (Schedule 1 Hourly Minimum Wage)

January 1, 2019



Washington: Seattle (Schedule 1 Hourly Minimum Wage With Benefits)

January 1, 2019


No Longer Applicable – Schedule 1 Rate Applies

Washington: Seattle (Schedule 2 Hourly Minimum Wage)

January 1, 2019



Washington: Seattle (Schedule 2 Hourly Minimum Compensation)

January 1, 2019



Washington: Tacoma

January 1, 2019



Tipped Rate Increases

In certain places, employers may be able to count tips an employee receives toward the minimum wage. In these jurisdictions, if the direct wage an employer pays an employee plus tips equals the minimum wage, an employer’s minimum wage obligation has been met. But, if the direct wage plus tips does not equal the minimum wage, an employer must pay the employee the difference. Directly below we highlight to the minimum cash wage (MCW) that may be paid, and the maximum tip credit (TC) that can be claimed, for covered tipped employees. Please note that, for increases occurring on dates other than January 1, the 2018 rate will be the minimum wage that was in effect before the 2019 rate increase takes effect, and that in the following states with 2019 rate increases, tip credits are prohibited (so they are not included below): Alaska; California; Minnesota; Montana; Nevada; Oregon; and Washington State.11 Finally, because New York has varying standards, the numbers are included in a stand-alone section after the below chart.

JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 MCW2019 MCW2018 TC2019 TC


January 1, 2019




No Change

Arizona: Flagstaff

January 1, 2019




No Change


January 1, 201912


No Change




January 1, 2019




No Change


January 1 &
October 1, 2019


No Change



District of Columbia

July 1, 2019






January 1, 2019




No Change

Illinois: Chicago

July 1, 2019





Illinois: Cook County

July 1, 2019






January 1, 2019





Maine: Portland

January 1, 201916





Maryland: Montgomery County (51 or more employees)

July 1, 2019


No Change



Maryland: Montgomery County (11-50 Employees / 11 or More Employees & Either a 501(c)(3) or Certain Home Health or Community Based Services Providers / 10 or Fewer Employees)

July 1, 2019


No Change




January 1, 2019






April 1, 2019 (Est.)






January 1, 2019





New Jersey

January 1, 2019

$2.13 (Suggested)

No change



New Mexico: Albuquerque (Without Benefits)

January 1, 2019





New Mexico: Albuquerque (With Benefits)

January 1, 2019





New Mexico: Bernalillo County (Unincorporated) (Without Benefits)

January 1, 2019


No Change



New Mexico: Bernalillo County (Unincorporated) (With Benefits)

January 1, 2019


No Change



New Mexico: Las Cruces

January 1, 2019





New Mexico: Santa Fe18

March 1, 2019





New Mexico: Santa Fe County (Unincorporated)

March 1, 2019






January 1, 2019





Rhode Island

January 1, 2019


No Change



South Dakota

January 1, 2019






January 1, 2019





New York Tip Rates

Tipped employee standards can be more complicated in New York, so we have given the Empire State its own section. First we discuss generally-applicable tip standards, followed by standards that apply in the hospitality industry, which vary depending on an employee’s role and the place of employment.

Generally: If an employee’s weekly tip average is less than the Low amount, a tip credit cannot be claimed. If an employee’s weekly tip average is between the Low (L) and High (H) amounts, the tip credit cannot exceed the Low amount. If an employee’s weekly tip average equals or exceeds the High amount, the tip credit cannot exceed the High amount.

JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 MCW2019 MCW2018 TC2019 TC

New York City (11 or More Employees)

December 31, 2018

$11.05 (L)

$9.80 (H)

$12.75 (L) $11.35 (H)

$1.95 (L)

$3.20 (H)

$2.25 (L)

$3.65 (H)

New York City (10 or Fewer Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019

$10.20 (L)

$9.05 (H)

$11.45 (L) $10.20 (H)

$1.80 (L)

$2.95 (H)

$2.05 (L)

$3.30 (H)

$12.75 (L) $11.35 (H)

$2.25 (L)

$3.65 (H)

Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties

December 31, 2018 & 2019

$9.35 (L)

$8.25 (H)

$10.20 (L)

$9.05 (H)

$1.65 (L)

$2.70 (H)

$1.80 (L)

$2.95 (H)

$11.05 (L)

$9.80 (H)

$1.95 (L)

$3.20 (H)

Remainder of State

December 31, 2018 & 2019

$8.85 (L)

$7.85 (H)

$9.45 (L)

$8.40 (H)

$1.55 (L)

$2.55 (H)

$1.65 (L)

$2.70 (H)

$10.05 (L)

$8.90 (H)

$1.75 (L)

$2.90 (H)

Hospitality Industry

Service Employee: An employer must directly pay a service employee at least the hourly Cash Wage (CW), and cannot claim a tip credit that exceeds the hourly Tip Credit rate (TC). However, an employer’s ability to claim the tip credit is dependent on an employee’s weekly tip average equaling at least the hourly Tip Threshold (TT) (or TT(R) for resort hotel service employees) and an employee’s direct wage plus tips equaling or exceeding the minimum wage.

JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 MCW2019 MCW2018 TC2019 TC

New York City (11 or More Employees)

December 31, 2018





New York City (10 or Fewer Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Remainder of State

December 31, 2018 & 2019






JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 TT2019 TT2018 TT(R)2019 TT(R)

New York City (11 or More Employees)

December 31, 2018





New York City (10 or Fewer Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Remainder of State

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Food Service Worker: A food service worker must receive a wage of at least the hourly Cash Wage (CW), and a tip credit cannot exceed the below-specified hourly rate (TC) provided the total of tips received plus the wages equals or exceeds the hourly total minimum wage rate (MW). A tip credit is not permitted for fast food employees.

JurisdictionIncrease Date2018 MCW2019 MCW2018 TC2019 TC

New York City (11 or More Employees)

December 31, 2018





New York City (10 or Fewer Employees)

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties

December 31, 2018 & 2019





Remainder of State

December 31, 2018 & 2019


No Change



Exempt Employees

As employers wait to see whether – and to what extent – the U.S. Department of Labor will revise the minimum amount they must pay to executive, administrative, and professional employees for these workers to be exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (FLSA) minimum wage and overtime requirements, state-law rates for these employees are scheduled to increase in 2019 (and on New Year’s Eve in New York). Also, under some state laws, these employees are exempt only from overtime requirements, meaning they must be paid at least the state minimum wage for all hours worked, and many of those state minimum wage rates are increasing in 2019. Additionally, in 2019 there will be state law increases in the minimum hourly pay required to qualify for state-law equivalent of the FLSA’s 7(i) retail or service establishment overtime exemption for employees paid commissions. Below we discuss these pay-related changes in 2019.

Executive, Administrative, or Professional Exemption Minimum Pay Increases

Under the FLSA, to be considered a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee, an individual must be compensated on a salary or fee basis (only for administrative and professional employees) at a rate of not less than $455 per week, excluding board, lodging, or other facilities. The $455 a week amount may be translated into equivalent amounts for periods longer than one week: $910 (Bi-weekly); $985.83 (Semi-monthly); $1,971.66 (Monthly); $23,660 (Annual). In various states, the minimum salary or fee amount exceeds the federal rate, and in 2019 pay requirements for these employees will change.

Jurisdiction2018 Annual Salary2019 Annual Salary2018 Monthly Salary2019 Monthly Salary2018 Weekly Salary2019 Weekly Salary








California20 (26 or More Employees)







California (25 or Fewer Employees)







Colorado21 (Executive or Supervisor) (Based on 40, 50, or 60 Hours Per Week)








Exceed $30,000

Exceed $33,000

Exceed $2,500

Exceed $2,750

Exceed $576.92

Exceed $634.61

New York23 City (11 or More Employees) (Executive or Administrative)







New York City (10 or Fewer Employees) (Executive or Administrative)


$58,500 (12/31/19)


$4,875 (12/31/19)


$1,125 (12/31/19)

Nassau, Suffolk & Westchester Counties (Executive or Administrative)


$50,700 (12/31/19)


$4,225 (12/31/19)


$975 (12/31/19)

Remainder of New York State (Executive or Administrative)


$46,020 (12/31/19)


$3,835 (12/31/19)


$885 (12/31/19)

Oregon24 (General)

$21,320 (1/1/18)
$22,360 (7/1/18)

$22,360 (1/1/19)
$23,400 (7/1/19)

$1,776.67 (1/1/18)
$1,863.33 (7/1/18)

$1,863.33 (1/1/19)
$1,950 (7/1/19)

$410 (1/1/18)
$430 (7/1/18)

$430 (1/1/19)
$450 (7/1/19)

Oregon (Urban)

$23,400 (1/1/18)
$24,960 (7/1/18)

$24,960 (1/1/19)
$26,000 (7/1/19)

$1,950 (1/1/18)
$2,080 (7/1/18)

$2,080 (1/1/19)
$2,166.67 (7/1/19)

$450 (1/1/18)
$480 (7/1/18)

$480 (1/1/19)
$500 (7/1/19)

Oregon (Nonurban)

$20,800 (1/1/18)
$21,840 (7/1/18)

$21,840 (1/1/19)
$22,880 (7/1/19)

$1,733.34 (1/1/18)
$1,820 (7/1/18)

$1,820 (1/1/19)
$1,906.67 (7/1/19)

$400 (1/1/18)
$420 (7/1/18)

$420 (1/1/19)
$440 (7/1/19)

Although the minimum pay requirements are not currently scheduled to increase in 2019 in Connecticut or Iowa, under both states’ “short test”25 an employee must be compensated on a salary or fee basis – excluding boarding, lodging, or other facilities – in excess of the federal rate: $475 per week in Connecticut, and $500 per week in Iowa.

Additionally, California law provides that certain computer software employees, as well as licensed physicians and surgeons, are exempt from state overtime requirements if they receive a minimum hourly, monthly, or yearly rate, which is determined annually based on cost-of-living changes. Effective January 1, 2019, the computer software employee minimum hourly rate will increase from $43.58 to $45.41 per hour, the minimum monthly salary amount will increase from $7,565.85 to $7,883.62, and the minimum annual salary amount will increase from $90,790.07 to $94,603.25. For licensed physicians and surgeons, the minimum hourly rate of pay will increase from $79.39 to $82.72.

White Collar Employees Covered by Minimum Wage

In various states, executive, administrative, or professional employees are exempt from state overtime requirements, but not exempt from state minimum wage requirements. In these jurisdictions, such employees must earn at least the applicable minimum wage for each hour worked. The minimum wage in some of these states will increase on January 1, 2019:26 Arizona ($11.00); Massachusetts ($12.00); New Jersey ($8.85); Rhode Island ($10.50); and South Dakota ($9.10).27

Commissioned Employee Overtime Exemption

To qualify under the FLSA’s 7(i) overtime exception, the regular rate of pay of an employee of a retail or service establishment must exceed one-and-a-half times the federal minimum wage, and more than half the employee’s compensation for a representative period (not less than one month) must represent commissions on goods or services. In the following states with 2019 rate changes, the 7(i)-type exemption requires – in part – an employee’s pay to either equal or exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage.28

California: An employee’s earnings must exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which on January 1, 2019, will increase to $12.00 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees and to $11.00 per hour for employees with 25 or fewer employees.

Colorado: An employee’s regular rate of pay must be at least one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which on January 1, 2019, will increase to $11.10 per hour.

District of Columbia: An employee’s regular rate of pay must exceed one-and-a-half times the district minimum wage, which on July 1, 2019, will increase to $14.00 per hour.

Minnesota: An employee’s regular rate of pay must exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which on January 1, 2019, will increase to $9.86 per hour for employers with $500,000 in annual gross sales, and to $8.04 per hour for employers with less than $500,000 in annual gross sales and certain hotels.

Nevada: An employee’s regular rate must exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which potentially could increase on July 1, 2019, from $8.25 per hour if an employer does not offer health benefits or $7.25 per hour if health benefits are offered.

New York: The general wage order29 provides – in part – that employers must pay an employee for overtime at a wage rate of one-and-one-half times the employee's regular rate in the manner and methods provided in and subject to the exemptions of section 7 of the FLSA. However, it is unclear whether payment is based on the federal or state minimum wage. If the state minimum wage, the wage rate will increase on December 31, 2018 (“2018”), and on December 31, 2019 (“2019”). In New York City, the minimum wage applicable to employers with 11 or more employees will increase to $15.00 (2018 & 2019); the rate for employers with 10 or fewer employees will increase to $13.50 (2018) and $15.00 (2019). The minimum wage in Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester Counties will increase to $12.00 (2018) and $13.00 (2019). Finally, in the remainder of New York State, the minimum wage will increase to $11.10 (2018) and $11.80 (2019).

Oregon: An employee’s regular rate of pay must exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which on July 1, 2019, will increase to $12.50 per hour (urban), $11.25 per hour (general), and $11.00 per hour (non-urban).

Washington: An employee’s regular rate of pay must exceed one-and-a-half times the state minimum wage, which on January 1, 2019, will increase to $12.00 per hour.

Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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