Littler’s 2024 AI C-Suite Survey Report

Balancing Risk and Opportunity in AI Decision-Making

As the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) spreads across corporate America, the risks are growing in kind. The question on every business leader’s mind, then, is how to seize the opportunities created by AI – without exposing their organizations to new vulnerabilities. 

Littler’s 2024 AI C-Suite Survey Report, which gathers insights from more than 330 C-suite executives located across the U.S., examines how businesses are managing AI use in the workplace. While employers have made considerable progress on workplace generative AI policies, the survey finds that 56% still do not have an established policy in place – and many that do lack the teeth and internal alignment needed to make them most effective.

In addition to delving into the key components of these policies, the survey looks at how employers are using both generative and predictive AI in human resources processes while navigating the legal and regulatory risks. It also reveals significant misalignment between different members of the C-suite around how AI is being used in the workplace and efforts to track and enforce generative AI policies.

Download the Survey Report
Littler's 2024 AI C-Suite Survey Report

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