Your search returned 803 results.

December 10, 2013

NLRB Dismisses Appeal, Opening Door to Re-Issued Election Rule

On Monday, the NLRB voluntarily dismissed its appeal in Chamber Of Commerce v. NLRB, the case in which

December 5, 2013

Class Action Waiver Is Enforceable Despite NLRA Concerted Activity Provisions

On December 3, 2013, in D.R. Horton, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Board, the U.S. Court of Appeals

November 27, 2013

NYU and UAW Agree to Union Election for Graduate Students

NYU and the UAW have reached an agreement to pave the way for an election among covered graduate students

November 6, 2013

ALJ Holds Employers Can Ban "Gotcha" Audio Recordings From The Workplace

With audio recording applications (“apps”) often standard issue on ubiquitous smart phones, employees

October 29, 2013

Griffin Nomination Clears Procedural Hurdle

Update: The Senate voted 55-44 to confirm the nomination of Richard Griffin, Jr. to be the next NLRB

October 21, 2013

NLRB Issues Post-Shutdown Notice on Filing Deadlines

Now that the government shutdown has finally ended, federal agencies have been fielding questions about

October 17, 2013

Senate Set to Consider NLRB General Counsel Nomination

While attention was diverted to the eleventh-hour efforts to craft and pass a deal avoiding a fiscal

September 26, 2013

AFL-CIO Creates Partnership with Student Organization

As part of its new initiative to court younger affiliates and expand its membership, the AFL-CIO has

September 24, 2013

Court Finds Sham Litigation Violates Secondary Boycott Provisions of NLRA, But NLRA Prohibitions Do Not Apply to Worker Centers

On August 26, 2013, in Waugh Chapel South, LLC v. UFCW (4th Cir. 2013), the U.S. Court of Appeals for

September 19, 2013

Littler Shareholder Stefan Marculewicz Discusses Rise of "Worker Centers" During Congressional Hearing

During a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, Littler
