March 1, 2007

Can You Use HR Experts in Employment Cases?

The Practical LitigatorIn this Littler attorney-authored article, San Francsco's Theo Lee offers

March 1, 2007

Piecing It All Together: The Amendment to the Federal Trademark Counterfeiting Act Prevents Circumvention Through Component Parts

AIPLA Quarterly JournalIn this Littler attorney-authored article, Philadelphia's Tiffani L. McDonough

March 1, 2007

Trends in Employee Drug Testing

California LawyerIn this MCLE self-credit article authored by Littler's Nancy Delogu, the laws on

In the News
February 16, 2007

Todd Nierman Discusses Overtime Exemptions

"Should you be getting overtime?," Bankrate.comIn this article narrowing the definition of overtime pay,

In the News
February 14, 2007

Littler Repeatedly Ranked #1 in Litigation

"Littler Ranked #1 in Employment Litigation," Law360.comEmployment Law360, the newswire for labor and
