Your search returned 392 results.

In the News
August 17, 2012

Employers turn to consumer-based health initiatives

American Medical NewsThis article discusses how wellness programs are gaining interest from employers

In the News
August 8, 2012

ABA's Taxation Section Argues for Testing Based on Eligibility Rather Than Participation

Bloomberg BNA Pension & Benefits DailyThis article discusses a public comment letter by the American

In the News
August 1, 2012

HHS shaming power has little effect on health plans

Employee Benefit NewsLittler's Steven Friedman provides his perspective on the Department of Health

July 27, 2012

Health Care Reform: Critical Next Steps for Employers

TLNTIn this article, Littler’s Steven Friedman and Ilyse Schuman discuss critical next steps for employers

July 26, 2012

Managing the Hospital-Physician Relationship

Hospital & Health NetworksLittler's Robert Drake and Ilyse Schuman discuss how the Affordable Care
