Your search returned 390 results.

In the News
June 3, 2013

Striking a Blow for Work/Life Balance?

Human Resource Executive OnlineIn this article, Littler’s Ilyse Schuman discusses the Working Families

In the News
May 29, 2013

ACA Bad for Small Business

Employee Benefit AdvisorIn this podcast, Littler’s Steven Friedman, who will lead the firm’s Healthcare

In the News
May 14, 2013

ACA Bad for business, say small employers

Employee Benefit NewsA survey released last week of over 600 small businesses say that the Affordable

In the News
May 7, 2013

The Path to Paid Sick-Leave Laws

Human Resources Executive OnlineIn this article, Littler’s Ilyse Schuman provides perspective on the

May 3, 2013

Plaintiffs must provide evidence of actual damages, even when employer doesn’t keep accurate time records

Employee Benefits News (ebn)Littler’s Matthew Hank authored an article discussing the Carmody v. Kansas
