Your search returned 390 results.

In the News
July 2, 2014

What the Hobby Lobby Ruling Means for Small Business

Bloomberg BusinessweekSteven Friedman provides insight in this article exploring the U.S. Supreme Court's

In the News
July 1, 2014

What now for those in same-sex marriage limbo?

Lafayette Journal & Courier (JC Online)In this article, Mike Moffat is quoted on issues related to employee

In the News
July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby decision creates controversy about contraception, Obamacare

InsideCounselIn this article, Steven Friedman provides perspective on the Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby Stores,

In the News
June 30, 2014

Supreme Court backs Hobby Lobby’s religious objection to contraception use

Employee Benefit NewsSteven Friedman provides perspective in this article discussing the U. S. Supreme

In the News
June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby Prevails in Challenge to Contraception Mandate

National Law JournalIn this article exploring a ruling on corporations’ religious freedom and the Affordable
