Your search returned 79 results.

2 the Point Video
June 28, 2022

How are multinational employers approaching whistleblower hotlines and guarding against whistleblower retaliation?

Workplace whistleblowing―and whistleblower retaliation―have exploded as vital topics in human resources, worldwide.

2 the Point Video
May 24, 2022

Our company recently received an international harassment complaint in which related parties to be interviewed are based in several countries. What are the primary considerations for investigating this type of international complaint?

It is crucial to conduct an effective investigation so that the company can take proper action based on the accurate understanding of what happened. It can also be a legal requirement to investigate a complaint depending on the country.

2 the Point Video
March 22, 2022

What issues should be considered when determining whether the “right to control” factor will weigh in favor of an independent contractor determination?

Even within the same jurisdiction, an organization may face different tests depending on the court or administrative agency making the assessment.

Dear Littler
March 14, 2022

Dear Littler: How do we handle “mask shaming” when we return to work?

I want our employees and our clients to feel safe and confident about their face-to-face dealings with one another, but I am concerned about escalating tensions around the issue of masking during this next phase of the pandemic.

2 the Point Video
March 8, 2022

What should an employer do to address a discovered symbol of racial hate in the workplace?

It falls to the employer to “do the right thing” to address the appearance of such symbology in the workplace.

February 28, 2022

A Conversation on Black Health and Wellness with Dr. Adia Gooden: Part Two

A conversation about the interpersonal journey of Black health and wellness, and techniques for navigating everyday issues.

February 23, 2022

A Conversation on Black Health and Wellness with Dr. Adia Gooden: Part One

A conversation about the impact of systemic health inequity on Black Americans, and the importance of self-advocacy and being heard when it comes to resolving health issues.

Dear Littler
February 16, 2022

Dear Littler: Our Wandering Workers Have Wandered Off With Our Equipment

We are a multi-state employer that allowed a large percentage of our employees to work remotely during the pandemic and provided equipment. Now that we’re back at the office, how do we get our property back?

Dear Littler
February 14, 2022

Dear Littler: Love Is In the (Recirculated) Air – How Do We Handle Office Romances?

One of our store managers, Romeo, called today to inform me that he is now dating the assistant manager, Juliet, at his location in Los Angeles. How do I handle this uncomfortable situation?

2 the Point Video
December 7, 2021

Can an employer require that employees attending a company holiday party be vaccinated?

We aren’t out of the pandemic yet, and there are a few things employers will want to keep in mind when planning a holiday gathering.
