Human rights issues increasingly require the assistance of experienced counsel to help employers navigate very fluid and complex legal, business and societal considerations. This article illuminates key topics facing the international business community.
Affinity groups bring together employees with similar backgrounds or interests and can have a powerful influence in the workplace. Employers that have, or are exploring establishing, affinity groups, must consider several legal and practical issues.
With the usual flurry of activity at the end of the legislative session, California enacted a slew of bills with labor and employment implications. Closing out his first year in office, Governor Newsom signed more than 40 such bills on varied topics.
The Canadian federal election is just around the corner—Monday, October 21, 2019 (Election Day). The Canada Elections Act sets out the law regarding employees’ voting entitlements on Election Day, as well as employer obligations.
Over a year after Congress amended the FLSA to clarify tip ownership questions, the DOL finally published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with proposed changes to its current regulations on handling tips under its minimum wage guidance.
Columbia, South Carolina passed an ordinance effective August 6, 2019, limiting employers’ use of criminal background checks and banning employers from inquiring about salary history on job applications.