President Biden released his $6 trillion budget proposal for the 2022 fiscal year. While final spending decisions are decided by Congress, the president’s budget submission typically provides a general idea of where the administration's priorities lie.
We’re thinking of expanding our recruitment efforts to those under 18, at least through the summer months. Before we start hiring younger employees, are there special employment issues to consider with this age group?
Over the years, attempts to arbitrate breach of fiduciary duty claims under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Section 502(a)(2) have had varying results.
A new Massachusetts law provides every full-time employee up to 40 hours of job-protected, emergency paid sick leave for certain COVID-19 reasons, including to obtain or recover from the COVID-19 vaccination.
Governor Kemp has signed an Executive Order prohibiting any state agency, provider of state services, or state property from implementing a Vaccine Passport Program or otherwise requiring an individual to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
On May 28, 2021, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) provided its first comprehensive update of its guidance since December 2020 (before COVID-19 vaccinations were broadly available) regarding COVID-19.
The NLRB, by a vote of 2-1, recently reversed an administrative law judge in finding that a hospital did not violate the National Labor Relations Act by failing and refusing to bargain in good faith with the union.