If January's minimum wage, tip, and overtime developments forecast what employers should expect throughout the remainder of the year, it could be a challenging 2020.
Contractors have a significant interest in the White House’s February 3, 2020 announcement that the president will be nominating Director Leen for the position of inspector general at the Office of Personnel Management.
The Illinois Department of Human Rights has answered the call for clarity and provided guidance on the sexual harassment prevention measures necessitated by the Workplace Transparency Act, which amended the Illinois Human Rights Act.
A California federal court has granted a preliminary injunction blocking enforcement of Assembly Bill 51, an expansive anti-arbitration law enacted in October and set to take effect on January 1, 2020.
The D.C. Circuit recently rebuffed the National Labor Relations Board’s attempt to assert jurisdiction over adjunct faculty at Duquesne University, a religious college.
The Dutch Balanced Labour Market Act (Wet arbeidsmarkt in balans (Wab)) brought about drastic changes to the rules regarding on-call workers as of January 1, 2020.
The UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and Public Health England (PHE), have published guidance about the Wuhan novel coronavirus to the public in the UK and to UK travellers.
The Second Circuit recently considered for the first time whether the equitable remedy of reformation was available under ERISA absent an allegation of fraud, mistake, or inequitable conduct.
The Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal issued a welcome decision for employers when it confirmed that the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act precludes an employee's civil claim if that claim is based on harassment and bullying.