Just days before New Jersey’s paid sick and safe time law is set to take effect, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development issued a set of Frequently Asked Questions to help employers comply with the new law.
Many businesses will temporarily increase staffing levels for the upcoming holiday season, and employers may wonder if seasonal employees are entitled to paid sick leave.
The Eleventh Circuit recently affirmed a district court decision to limit the scope of an inspection sought by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The State of Connecticut has announced that in January 2019 it will begin requiring private-sector employers without their own workplace-based retirement plans to enroll employees in IRAs sponsored by the state.
On October 11, 2018, in an about-face on prior guidance, OSHA issued a significant Standard Interpretation Memorandum regarding safety-incentive programs and post-incident drug/alcohol testing.
Employers will face fewer significant regulations in the coming year, according to the Trump administration's Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
The DOJ recently responded to a letter sent by 103 members of Congress asking it to take steps to stop the flood of lawsuits against businesses over their alleged failure to make their websites sufficiently accessible to individuals with disabilities.