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The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Ombudsman has discovered (pdf) that iCert, the certification process for Labor Conditions Applications (LCA) operated by the Department of Labor, has been generating false mismatches of Federal Employer Numbers. After examining applications filed between April and August 2009, the Ombudsman found that 7% of denials (approximately 2,900 applications) were incorrect. These errors can hinder the ability to timely file original or extension H-1B visa petitions.
Currently, USCIS requires that petitioners include a certified LCA with their H-1B petitions, although the controlling statute, the Immigration Nationality Act, does not require this.
To remedy the situation, the Ombudsman made the following recommendations:
- reinstate USCIS’ previous practice of temporarily accepting an H-1B petition with proof of timely filing of an LCA with DOL, and issue a Request for Evidence requiring the petitioner to later provide the certified LCA; and
- establish a temporary policy under which USCIS would excuse late H-1B filings where the petitioner has documented an LCA submission to DOL that was improperly rejected.