Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.
In a continuing example of the labor movement’s penchant for self-immolation, the SEIU prevailed in a hard fought campaign against the NUHW, the National Union of Healthcare Workers, at Kaiser Healthcare in California. As previously reported in this blog, the NUHW was created by the former leaders of an SEIU local based in Oakland known as United Healthcare Workers-West. It was a bitter divorce marred by taunts, accusations and lawsuits that made an episode of the Jersey Shore look like family entertainment. In the end, the SEIU won a $1.5 million dollar verdict against NUHW and 15 of its leaders for improperly devoting their efforts to SEIU-represented employees while simultaneously creating the rival union.
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