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BusinessWeek reports that a troubled economy coupled with domestic concerns about jobs being lost to legal, and illegal, immigrants or through outsourcing make immigration reform a difficult campaign promise for President Obama to keep. Although Obama reaffirmed his commitment to the issue last week while meeting with pro-immigrant activists, his efforts might be stymied by a bill—co-sponsored by his former Illinois colleague, Senator Dick Durbin—that seeks to significantly limit the issuance of H-1B visas. Conversely, legislation that will be unveiled in the upcoming months by Senator Charles Schumer is expected to garner Obama’s support.
The debate comes at a time when immigration is in decline. The number of foreigners immigrating for school or work has decreased, and many presently residing in the U.S. are electing to leave because of a poor job market and visa hassles. As we noted earlier this month, more than one-third of H-1B visas for fiscal year 2009 remain available.