Global Guide Quarterly
Littler Global Guide - Norway - Q4 2019
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Gender Equality - Obligation to Report Gender Pay Differences
New Legislation Enacted
Author: Ole Kristian Olsby, Partner - Littler Norway
From January 1, 2020, all private companies employing more than 50 employees must conduct a salary survey by gender every second year. If necessary, companies must implement measures to counter discrimination and increase equality and diversity. Further, companies must identify the use of involuntary part-time work. The purpose of the bill is to promote gender equality with a focus on underlying structures.
Workforce Reductions and Length of Service Provisions
Precedential Decision by Judiciary or Regulatory Agency
Author: Ole Kristian Olsby, Partner - Littler Norway
A recent ruling from the Supreme Court states that the principle “length of service” impacts the company's possibility to limit the scope for a workforce reduction. This applies to companies bound by a collective bargaining agreement that contains a provision concerning the use of length of service in workforce reductions.