Global Guide Quarterly

Global Guide Quarterly

Littler Global Guide - Hungary - Q4 2019

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Child Labour Without the Authority’s Permit

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law - VJT & Partners Law Firm

As from January 1, 2020, a person under the age of sixteen may be employed in cultural, artistic, sporting or advertising activities without permission of the child protection authority; only a prior notification of 15 days before the employment is required.

More Opportunity for Parental Part-Time Jobs

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law - VJT & Partners Law Firm

The amendment to the Labor Code increased the opportunity of employees with small children to demand part-time job from their employer. At the employee’s request, the employer needs to modify the employment contract into a part-time contract for four hours per day (instead of eight hours per day) if the employee’s child is younger than the age of four. If the employee has three or more children, then until the child reaches the age of six. The previous age limits were three and five years, respectively.

Parental Unpaid Leave in Case of Child Adoption and Unpaid Leave for Grandparents

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law - VJT & Partners Law Firm

The amendment to the Labor Code granted employees with the right to take a three-year unpaid leave in a case of child adoption. If the adopted child is older than three years, then the adopting employee will be entitled to six months of unpaid leave. The amendment also granted employees who are grandparents the right to have an unpaid leave until the child who is under their care reaches the second year of age.

Increase to the Statutory Minimum Wage

New Legislation Enacted

Author: Zoltán Csernus, Attorney-at-Law - VJT & Partners Law Firm

The government’s new decree increased the statutory minimum wage by eight per cent. Accordingly, as of January 1, 2020, the statutory minimum wage for unskilled employees is HUF 161,000 (approximately EUR 487). For employees in job positions requiring at least secondary school, the minimum wage is HUF 210,600 (approximately EUR 640).

Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.

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