Global Guide Quarterly
Littler Global Guide - Brazil - Q4 2022
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New Minimum Wage for 2023
New Order or Decree
Authors: Marília Nascimento Minicucci, Partner – Chiode Minicucci | Littler, and Renata Neeser, Partner – Littler
On December 12, 2022, Executive Order # 1,143/2022 was published, establishing the new minimum wage in Brazil. Effective January 1, 2023, the monthly minimum wage is BRL 1,302.00; the daily minimum wage is BRL 43.40; and the hourly minimum wage is BRL 5.92. While this is the minimum wage currently in force, it may be increased in the next few days if the Bill on the 2023 Budgetary Law is ratified. Should this happen, a new Executive Order will be issued to establish the new monthly minimum wage, which is expected to increase to BRL 1,320.00.
Definition of Initial Term for the Start of Maternity Leave in Cases of Long-Term Hospital Stays
Precedential Decision by Judiciary or Regulatory Agency
Authors: Marília Nascimento Minicucci, Partner – Chiode Minicucci | Littler, and Renata Neeser, Partner – Littler
On October 24, 2022, the Brazilian Supreme Court issued Direct Unconstitutionality Action # 6327, thereby ruling that in cases of long-term hospital stays of either the mother or the baby, the initial term of maternity leave (and the respective maternity salary) is the hospital discharge of the mother and/or the baby, whichever occurs last, with the extension of the benefit throughout the period should the period of hospitalization exceed two weeks.