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Som Mittal, president of Nasscom, the industry association representing Indian software and IT services firms, recently met in Washington, D.C. with various U.S. government officials and representatives of trade organizations. In an interview with InformationWeek, Mittal stated that he was in D.C. "to provide perspective on the Durbin-Grassley bill," bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing abuse and fraud in the H-1B and L-1 visa programs. Based on his meetings, Mittal said he thinks that the Obama administration and Congress are likely to consider H-1B and L-1 provisions as part of broader immigration reforms, perhaps later this year.
Mittal also noted that, from his perspective, the H-1B and L-1 visa programs should be considered matters of trade policy rather than immigration, stating: “Our data shows that [H-1B visa holders] stay in the U.S. less than two years.” He further commented:
Other countries, including the U.K., France, Germany, Japan, and India provide work permits to bring in foreign workers temporarily. It's not about immigration, it's about trade.