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Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) approved the nominations of Jacqueline Berrien to head the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and Victoria Lipnic and Chai Feldblum to be EEOC Members. The HELP Committee also approved the nomination of P. David Lopez to be the EEOC’s General Counsel.
In a statement (pdf), HELP Committee Chairman Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) said: “At this time of challenge, Americans need committed, capable public servants working full time on their behalf,” adding, “These nominees will serve Americans by protecting workers from discrimination, facilitating public service and preserving our rich national traditions in the humanities. I am pleased to move their nominations forward.”
If the Senate confirms all three EEOC members, the remaining two seats of the five-member Commission will be filled by current Acting Chairman Stuart Ishimaru and Constance Barker, the sole Republican EEOC member. Acting Vice Chair Christine Griffin has already been confirmed to serve as the deputy director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Once her successor is confirmed, she will leave the EEOC for her new position at the OPM.