EBSA Announces Availability of Revised Model COBRA Notices

On Monday, the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will publish in the Federal Register an announcement (COBRA, Federal Register Notice.pdf) that updated model COBRA notices that group health plans and other entities are required to provide to individuals eligible for the premium reductions and additional health care coverage election periods provided by the recently-enacted Temporary Extension Act (TEA) of 2010 are available at the EBSA’s COBRA website.  TEA extended until March 31, 2010 the eligibility period for the 65 percent COBRA premium reduction provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).  ARRA, as revised, mandates that certain health plan providers send assistance eligible individuals notices about their ability to take advantage of the continued health coverage.  Continue reading about this development at Littler's D.C. Employment Law Update blog.


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