Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has announced that, on March 18, 2011, it will launch the E-Verify Self Check Program, a secure web portal that allows an individual to verify his or her work authorization status. Previously, only employers could conduct E-Verify checks, and, in the event of a possible mismatch, the prospective employee needed to resolve the matter, thereby delaying his or her possible hire and/or start date. The Self Check Program will allow individuals to correct any identity information errors that the E-Verify system might contain, thereby “provid[ing] a vehicle for an individual to proactively check work authorization status prior to the employer conducting the E-Verify inquiry.” Continue reading this entry at Littler's Global Immigration Counsel.