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The Department of Labor has launched on online “toolkit” to facilitate an employer’s recruitment, hiring, and retention of veterans. According to the agency, the toolkit “is designed to assist and educate employers who have made the proactive decision to include transitioning Service Members, Veterans and wounded warriors in their recruitment and hiring initiatives.” The online feature is broken up into six steps to help employers: design a strategy for hiring veterans; create an educated and welcoming environment for veteran employees; actively recruit veterans, wounded warriors and military spouses; hire and learn how to accommodate qualified veterans in the workplace; and promote a work environment that retains veteran employees. The final component of the toolkit provides a quick reference list of online resources to assist with the previous five steps.
In a statement, Ray Jefferson, assistant secretary for the department's Veterans' Employment and Training Service, said: “Many employers have told us that they are interested in developing or enhancing a veterans hiring initiative for their company, but that they don't know where to begin,” adding “[t]his toolkit was created with these employers in mind. It's designed to simplify the process and put valuable, vetted resources at the employer's fingertips.”