Information contained in this publication is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or opinion, nor is it a substitute for the professional judgment of an attorney.
DOL estimates new interpretative standards will triple the number of LM-10 Employer Reports filed annually and predicts a twelve-fold increase in LM-20 Reports required from firms engaged in “persuader activities” as newly defined.
If the DOL proposals take effect, employers (and their advisors, including legal counsel) will have to treat activities that have not been reportable for the past 50 years as now subject to reporting requirements. The ambiguity of the new regulatory standards, coupled with potential criminal sanctions for willful non-reporting, potentially could result in substantial interference with an employer’s attorney-client relationship, disrupt an employer’s ability to obtain legal advice when confronted by union campaigns, and have a chilling effect on employer free speech during such campaigns. Continue reading this entry at Littler's Labor Relations Counsel.
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